Opening Hours
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday (13:00-21:00)
Saturday (11:00-19:00)
Sunday (11:00-19:00)
9th Floor, Golden Goose Commercial Building, 438 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
(Near Times Square / opposite to the fire station)
9/F, Gold Swan Commercial Building, 438 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
(Close to Time Square) (Opposite Fire Station)
Tel: 2573 9198/9098 2681
9th Floor, Golden Goose Commercial Building, 438 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
(Near Times Square / opposite to the fire station)
9/F, Gold Swan Commercial Building, 438 Hennessy Road,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
(Close to Time Square) (Opposite Fire Station)
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday (13:00-21:00)
Saturday (11:00-19:00)
Sunday (11:00-19:00)
Tel: 2573 9198/9098 2681
Room 05, 11th Floor, Hengbang Commercial Building, 31 Tonkin Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
(Near Cheung Sha Wan Road / opposite to Hip Wo Primary School)
Flat 05, 11/F, Hang Pont Commercial Building, 31 Tonkin Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.
(Close to Time Square) (Opposite Heep Woh School)
Teaching Center-Please make an appointment
Tel: 2573 9198/9098 2681